Legal, Governance & Management Consultancy Services Ltd
"The strategies we develop are creative, possibly provocative yet always practical and, above all, actionable"
01424 426 710
07484 746 487

Many executives see their organisations’ strategy-development processes as bureaucratic rather than insightful - more focused on the past rather than on developing future competitive advantage. Five questions are at the heart of the dialogue on how to improve the quality of planning:
How can we best generate the creative insights that lead to competitive advantage?
How do we increase our agility and preparedness in the face of a volatile environment?
How do we best translate strategic vision into corporate plans and annual budgets?
How can we foster alignment to ensure our strategy is transformed into action?
What processes will achieve our objectives most efficiently?
We have extensive experience in helping our clients review and entirely redesign, fine-tune, or supplement their planning approaches. Whether focused on strategic planning for a multibusiness firm or for one or more business units, our recommendations are grounded in the same basic principles.
Corporate Strategy & Portfolio Management >>